Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Bertie is coming back to life

These are yesterday's pictures. I have done quite a bit of work today, which I will post tomorrow.

The dry bones in the valley...

The bones are starting to rattle...


digitaldion (Dion Forster) said...

Now that, my friend, is a sight for sore eyes (and a sore tibia / fibular, knee and ankle ;-)

She looks fantastic Wes!!!!!!!!!! I'm so pleased that you have a little time to spend with him (all Vespa's should be a HER... They have all the right curves, mar nou toemaar...)

Blessings from Mertyl to Bertie. Perhaps we could have a 'joining of the tribes' when Bertie is up and about? My Mertyl, your Bertie... I will however want to shaperone them!

Rock in the Grass (Pete Grassow) said...

I see two good looking guys bonding around a scooter. That ia precious time... savour it.