Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome back

Post 250 today.

Well, this post is written at almost midnight. It is very honest and a bit of a rant.

Today was my first day back at the office.

I spent two weeks on leave. During this time I worked on my Vespa for 5 hours per day. I know, because I made it part of my daily routine (12:00-17:00 - Vespa time). In all that time, more than 80 hours of putting together small and fragile parts, constructed by Italians who thought they were being bloody clever, my Vespa did not give me half the amount of sh1t than that which I had to endure from God's beloved people in one working day.

Ok, it was a long day (8:30-21:45). It was a bad day, but let's take a moment to remember the good...

I enjoyed seeing my colleagues. I enjoyed the coffee. I loved my Bible study. The rest I must say, if I didn't do it for Jesus, I would kindly take whatever was dished out to me, return it and ask people to grow up, be thankful and not take me for granted. Or else, in the words of Rowan Atkinson, they can simply...

Let me rather go to bed. Good night.


Anonymous said...

Rememmber we are about Kingdom business! I am referring to your leave with your family, of course.

Don't let the buggers get you down!


Rock in the Grass (Pete Grassow) said...

Hwey boet : In know that Jesus calls us to bring light into the darkness. But why must there be so much darkness inside of the church?