Saturday, May 24, 2008

Synod 2008

Well, I'm sick in bed with a tummy bug and so, instead of being at Synod, I'm nice and snug and able to update my blog.

Our district synod is being hosted by Willows Methodist Church in Pretoria, and I must say, it has been run very efficiently. Bishop Gavin Taylor was re-elected as our district Bishop, much to the delight of the whole Synod. We heard testimonies of thanks for the ministers in our district who will retire at the end of this year. It just so happened that both are colleagues in our circuit, David Buwalda and Paul Bester.

Last night we dealt with some resolutions. Our circuit put 2 resolutions on the table, one asking Conference to rescind a decision to take part of the minister's pension fund to build... ok, let's not go down that road, and one tightening legislation in the Laws and Disciplines in our church which would "force" ministers who occupy party-political posts to resign from the ministry. As you can imagine, both these issues sparked debate, but at the end of the day received overwhelming support from Synod.

That was the last I saw of Synod. I am now going to finish my chapter for a UNISA textbook and then mark some assignments.

Please pray for the family of Kevin Rheeder. Kevin is one of our congregation's young people who was in an accident last night. He is not doing at all well.

Please pray for my mom, dad, sister, her husband and children as alcohol has once again caused a lot of pain in our family.

Please pray for me. I feel overwhelmed by all this pain and suffering and sometimes wonder if there is a different way.

1 comment:

digitaldion (Dion Forster) said...

Hi Wes,

Praying for you my friend!

Let your heart, mind and body mend soon!

Wish you were closer (since I am quite partial to the Cape) - it would be great to chat.

I sold all 20 copies of our book even before SYNOD started.

Blessings my friend!