Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Outsider

"Any man who does not cry at his mother's funeral should be condemned to death."

This is how Albert Camus summarizes his book "The Outsider". I have just finished this book and must say that it has been the most moving and thought provoking novel that I have ever read.

It is only about 100 pages long and costs about R60 (less that $10) at Exclusive books, but what a read! I was introduced to the work of Albert Camus by Prof. George Hunsinger, who used Camus' work "The Plague" to describe the relevance/irrelevance of faith from an existentialist worldview. I started reading The Plague, must must honestly say that it didn't really grab me.

If you want something good to read, click on the loot.co.za link on the right and get this book! Tell me what you think.

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