Nathan turned a month old on the 14th. It totally passed us by! Sorry Nathan. Happy mini-birthday, old chap.
Nathan is putting on a lot of weight! He now weighs 3.75kg, meaning that he has gained over a kilogram since birth! Who could blame him? His food comes in such nice containers!
I am convinced that he is not going to be a Christian, but rather a Rastafarian. He is TOTALLY laid-back and I can almost image him with a zol between the fingers. Hence, I have renamed him "Bob" (Marley). He sleeps for about 4 hours, wakes up, looks at the world, laughs, drinks, messes in his nappy and falls asleep again. He doesn't cry, but just lets us know that he needs more food. Sometimes we forget he is even there.
Matthew loves his brother to bits. He is the first to greet him in the morning, the last to say "Goodnight".
We are truly blessed!
Hey Wes
enjoy him while you can.
There will come a time when he crashes your car, spends your money and thinks he is god.
Hey Dr Wes! Well done with completing your Doctoral dissertation! It is a huge achievement!!! You've worked hard for it! I can't wait for you to graduate.
Many blessings!
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