Wednesday, October 07, 2009

When our children make us cry.

I mentioned in the car that I felt a bit hungry. Without mentioning anything, my son Matthew (6) made me toast with jam and cheese. What a surprise! I was caught off-guard, not thinking that what I had mentioned was heard and acted upon. I ate my toast, savouring every bit. By the way, when I write during summer, I often take off my shirt and sit at my desk only in shorts and socks.

Another knock on the door. "Look pappa!" His shirt was off. He put on his cream-coloured shorts, like mine. He put on his navy socks, like mine. "I look just like you!" By now I lost it completely. This child listened to me and acted. He looked at me and copied. This is stuff worth meditating on, but for now my computer is going to be switched off and I will be spending time with my boys.


Delme Linscott said...

Wessel, we are blessed to be dads. It is moments like this that will live long in your heart and mind. Savour it my friend and continue to be a great Father.


Neill said...

What goes for the good also goes for the bad. I found out the hard way that the little ones copy us in good also the bad. But parenting is awesome, and just as frightening when yu think of the responsibility. Enjoy them anyway they can also be a lot of fun.